Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “productivity”
Using taskwarrior to stay disciplined with side projects
Taskwarrior Taskwarrior is an OSS CLI (to make it fancier, let’s call it TUI - terminal UI) based task manager. I have been using it for sometime and it works great for my use case.
My Earlier Post on setting GUI notifications
I wanted some discipline in progressing with my side projects most of which are on github and here’s what I did:
set up a script which overrides task warrior’s data directory to current directory if it’s a git repository, this is so that I can segregate my todo tasks
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Get the most out of your command line experience
up arrow key takes you to a list of recently used commands
history command lists out the history of your commands (size as configured)
you can search in your history by using (ctr-R), helpful if you know some keyword
You can tag your commands with comments for ease with history search
eg : some esoteric command #fixes-all (You can reverse search using fixes-all)
all your commands in history are numbered
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Reminder for task-warrior CLI
TaskWarrior CLI
TaskWarrior is a CLI based task manager which I find pretty handy to use. When you are working on something (where your linux terminal is always with you), you can just create an interactive todo from your command line.
~/sudip/*) » task add write a blog about task warrior reminder sudipbhandari@sudipbhandari-Latitude-5480 Created task 1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~/sudip/*) » task list sudipbhandari@sudipbhandari-Latitude-5480 ID Age Description Urg 1 3s write a blog about task warrior reminder 0 1 task ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~/sudip/sudipbhandari126.
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Some Useful SSH tips
Executing commands remotely and returning results One of the common usage is to log into remote machine and check some process stat to see if some program is running or not. Instead of logging in, executing command and then returning back, we can do it in a single shot by providing the command to be executed as an argument.
ssh loguser@$x.x.x "ps -ef | grep kafka" loguser 12214 12213 0 23:47 ?
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Vimium, Browser for hackers!
How I came to know about it So, I am a regular reddit user and it’s one of my favorites online communities. While browsing through subreddit posts, there is a feature in the reddit web-app where you have keyboard shortcuts for browsing: N for next post, P for previous post and so on. I found it very convinient and easy to use especially because you don’t have to take your hands off the keyboard.
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Leveraging git hooks
Adding tag support to Jekyll Now This blog is a forked version of a popular github blog project called Jekyll Now. It’s based on ruby and is a really elegant and easy to use tool that I have found. Being bare minimum version it doesn’t have tagging support for blog posts.
I have added tags to all the blog posts. This particular plugin isn’t supported by github so running it just like that doesn’t create ’tags’.
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