(Book Review) Tuesdays with Morrie
Tuesdays with Morrie
I loved the narration.
I loved the content and the insights this book provides in addition to the beautifully crafted chapters. Almost every page gets you into a contemplative mode of introspection about life, love and the ‘culture’.
The biggest take away for me from this book is this:
Culture is a man-made thing and is presented in such a way that people tend to conform to it.
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gcloud sdk
Accessing gcp compute instances via gcloud sdk
You have a bunch of options to ‘ssh’ into gcp VM instances:
open in browser window open in browser window on custom port open in browser window using provided ssh key another ssh client (putty, termius, etc) I personally find the ‘gcloud sdk’ way much more convenient to use since I can just launch it from my terminal without having to open the browser, log into cloud console, locate the vm instance and then ssh’ing into it.
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What is good problem solving?
Problem Solving is the gold
We all focus on problem solving. We are in pursuits of so many activities which aim to identify the problems, propose a solution to them, build the solution and hopefully create some value out of it. But what is good problem solving? Especially in the realm of computer science.
The greatest part in ‘problem solving’ is not actually the solution. Its the break down of the problem.
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Using gcsfuse to mount GCS bucket
Migration to Cloud
As your applications scale it becoomes tedious, expensive and error prone to have it all on your data centers. Modern microservices are built with the philosophy of isolation. Scaling up and down of those services should happen with a snap of a finger (enter containerization technologies like dockers replacing traditional VMs), you scale up to serve bigger traffic and also to make it fault tolerant. But even if you have 20 docker pods, a failure in data center as simple as switch failure can bring your whole infrastructure to its knees.
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Reminder for task-warrior CLI
TaskWarrior CLI
TaskWarrior is a CLI based task manager which I find pretty handy to use. When you are working on something (where your linux terminal is always with you), you can just create an interactive todo from your command line.
~/sudip/*) » task add write a blog about task warrior reminder sudipbhandari@sudipbhandari-Latitude-5480 Created task 1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~/sudip/*) » task list sudipbhandari@sudipbhandari-Latitude-5480 ID Age Description Urg 1 3s write a blog about task warrior reminder 0 1 task ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~/sudip/sudipbhandari126.
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Oracle to Mysql Migration
ifnull <=> nvl
Oracle: select nvl(null,1) from dual;
Mysql: select ifnull(null,1) from dual;
dual is optional in mysql. Oracle needs a ‘from expression’ for all the queries. Dual table is just a dummy to serve that syntax
desc dual; Name Null Type ------------------------------ -------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DUMMY VARCHAR2(1) fetching rownum in oracle and mysql
Oracle: select rownum, $column from $table (rownum is a pseudocolumn in oracle)
Mysql: select row_number() over() as row_num, $column from $table SET @rownum:=0; SELECT @rownum:=@rownum+1 AS rownum, $column FROM $table (for older mysql versions)
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What is ELK stack
What is ELK stack? Instead of writing about what exactly ELK is, let me state the need and use cases for it.
Log aggregation and efficient searching
In a very naive scenario you have one server and lots of log messages generated by your application and system which are crucial to look at once something goes wrong. Now there are basically two problems with it: Manually digging through a log file is really an anachronism.
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On Domain And DNS
This github page
This blog is a github page based on jekyll now and the URL as per github convention is (It’s unless you set up a custom domain.
As of Jan 2020, I have a custom domain setup for this at I had some insights into internet domains, dns and domain resolution while doing this activity.
How are domains organized?
All the internet domains are organized in a hierarchical fashion.
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On Code Readability
Almost everyone starts off coding in a very imperative fashion. You figure out the rules, syntax of the language and you figure out the logical solution to the problem and start off coding. As you start doing so you discover some idiosyncracies of the language and you start focusing on making the code more and more ‘concise’. If unchecked this can lead to obfuscation where you just increase the cognitive load of the program.
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