Using taskwarrior to stay disciplined with side projects
Taskwarrior is an OSS CLI (to make it fancier, let’s call it TUI - terminal UI) based task manager. I have been using it for sometime and it works great for my use case.
My Earlier Post on setting GUI notifications
I wanted some discipline in progressing with my side projects most of which are on github and here’s what I did:
set up a script which overrides task warrior’s data directory to current directory if it’s a git repository, this is so that I can segregate my todo tasks
set up another script (alias rather) which spits the pending task whenever I cd into it
What it looks like
Here is the script and alias
#task warrior
task_git() {
if [ -d .git ]; then
export TASKDATA="$(pwd)"
export TASKDATA="~/.task"
task "$@"
# invoke task list in valid git repo
cd() {
builtin cd "$@"
if [ -d .git ]; then
task list
PS: As a dutiful programmer I spend more time tinkering around tooling and productivity instead of actually doing something. lol